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Please note that due to the Coronavirus pandemic, there were no statutory tests in KS2 in 2020 or 2021 and therefore the DFE did not publish school results for these years. You will find below our data for 2023.

Link to Department for Education Performance Tables Website: Key Stage 2 Test Results


79% children achieved a good level of development in 2022.

Year 1 Phonics Check: 92% pupils were working at the required standard

Key Stage 1

Year 2
% at expected standard – school


National expected standard


% working greater depth; higher standards


National greater depth; higher standards


Reading  72% 68% 18% 18%
Writing 86% 59% 9% 8%
Maths  86% 70% 18% 16%


Key Stage 2

Year 6
% at expected standard – school


National expected standard


% working greater depth; higher standards


National greater depth; higher standards


Reading test 92% 73% 32% 29%
Writing 92% 71% 48% 13%
Maths Test 84% 73% 44% 24%
SPaG test 92% 72% 46% 30%
RWM Combined 84% 59% 32% 8%


Reading Average Scaled Score 107
Maths Average Scaled Score 107
SPaG Average Scaled Score 108


Reading Progress Score 0.8
Maths Progress Score 1.6
SPaG Progress Score 4.7