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We have a very strong PTA who support our school by organising and running events that benefit our children. Some of these raise funds to enable us to buy new resources and enhance our educational provision. We have a number of large events that happen every year, including the Monk Fryston Beer Festival and Halloween Spooktacular, as well as regular smaller events including school discos and event evenings for parents.
Anyone connected with the school is able to join the PTA. This could be extended family members, friends or members of the community. You can find our constitution here
The PTA are currently raising funds to devlop an area of the school grounds as an outdoor learning space, including creating a new forest school area.
Previous projects include raising funds to replace the audio-visual equipment in the school hall, purchasing new IT equipment and building a wellbeing room – The Headspace. This is a purpose-built tree house that gives us much needed space in which to run wellbeing and mental health activities that support all our children.
You can read the minutes from the last PTA AGM here and an EGM here
100 Club – the PTA runs a 100 Club in association with FOSS at Saxton School. This has a monthly draw for cash prizes, and numbers can be purchased through ParentPay. You can read the 100 Club rules here.
The winning numbers in the latest 100 Club draw are –
47, 10 and 29
MF PTA Christmas news 24