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PE and sport is a very important part of Monk Fryston School. All our children do at least 2 hours of sports and PE each week and they are encouraged to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. This includes opportunities to achieve at least 30 minutes activity outside PE lessons every day, through active playtime sessions or after-school activities. All classes have timetabled lessons and we make full use of our hall, playground and field. We try to provide a variety of opportunities that cover the full curriculum and enable children to pursue different interests. We also employ leaders to run activity sessions at playtimes, including training for our older children to lead sessions so that all children participate and enjoy being active.

You can find out more about PE and Sports at our school in this document:

PE and sports at Monk Fryston CE Primary School brochure

We are delighted that we have been awarded the School Games Mark Gold Award in recognition of our high quality provision.

Most PE lessons are taught by our class teachers. We have accessed a number of specialist training courses to ensure we have the right knowledge and skills to teach our children effectively. We also use specialist coaches to enhance our provision and provide training opportunities for teachers.

We believe that experiencing competitive situations is as important as being successful, and therefore try to involve as many children as we can throughout the year regardless of ability. Although winning is important, our primary aim is to ensure participation when we select teams for competitions against other schools. We also identified a need to improve our range of extra-curricular activity so that children have the chance to pursue their interests after school and hone their skills. To do this we are enhancing our links with local sports clubs.

The government give primary schools additional funding to develop sports provision. We have used this funding to improve our teaching and to create wider opportunities for children to experience competitions and tournaments.

Sports Premium

You can read our plans to spend our Sports Premium here – Sports Premium Spending Plan 2024-25


Previous evaluations:

Sports Premium spending 2023 – 24