The uniform for Monk Fryston School is:
Grey trousers or skirt/ pinafores
Grey or red sweatshirt or cardigan (plain or school logo are acceptable)
Grey, red or white polo shirt (plain or school logo are acceptable)
Black or brown shoes (trainers are not acceptable).
Children must wear the correct PE kit – a plain red t-shirt (no logos or pictures other than the school logo) and black shorts. Suitable footwear is required for outdoor games (the children have bare feet for indoor PE). Warm outer wear in the school colours (hoodie, sweatshirt etc) should be worn for outdoor PE. Children should come to school in their uniform and get changed into their PE kit when they need to. For this reason, we suggest that PE kits are brought to school every Monday and taken home for washing on Friday.
There is no need to purchase uniform new; second-hand uniform is perfectly acceptable. The PTA often run used uniform stalls throughout the year in return for a small donation. If you are in need of urgent uniform please speak to the school office because this can usually be sourced at schort notice.
If you would like to purchase uniform with the school logo, this can be found at Classroom Clothing –