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100 Club Bonus Draw

The winning numbers in the 100 Club bonus draw for December were – 40, 41 & 5 Congratulations to the winners!
Posted On 22 Dec 2023

100 Club

The winning numbers in the November PTA 100 Club draw are: 8, 18 and 6   Congratulations!
Posted On 24 Nov 2023

100 Club

The winning numbers in the October PTA 100 Club draw are: 46, 42 and 31   Congratulations!
Posted On 27 Oct 2023

We are a Music Mark school

We are delighted to have been awarded the Music Mark in recognition for our commitment to providing high-quality music provision. As a Music Mark school, we are part of a wide network of excellent providers. Music Mark members are leaders in music education and collectively form...
Posted On 27 Oct 2023

100 Club

The winning numbers in the 100 Club draw are: 26, 40 & 29 Thank you for playing
Posted On 29 Sep 2023

Governor Award

Congratulations to the pupil in Year 2 who was presented with the Governor Award today. This termly award recognises a pupil who has enacted our vision and values of being a ‘good person, doing well’ during the term. They receive a £10 book token.
Posted On 24 Jul 2023

100 Club

The winning numbers in the July draw for the 100 Club are – 43 49 27 Congratulations!
Posted On 24 Jul 2023

100 Club

The winning numbers in the higher prize June draw for the 100 Club are – 8 65 62 Congratulations!
Posted On 30 Jun 2023

100 Club

The May winning numbers in the 100 Club are – 62 64 58 Congratulations! The June draw is a bonus month with much higher prizes. Tickets must be purchased by 22nd June.
Posted On 26 May 2023

100 Club

The April winning numbers in the 100 Club are – 26 56 34 Congratulations! Tickets for the May draw must be purchased by 18th May.
Posted On 31 Mar 2023