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Monk Fryston C of E Primary School Logo

Governor Award

Congratulations to the pupil in Year 6 who won the termly Governors’ award. This is presented for upholding our school values, and this pupil consistently shows respect towards everyone else, maintains good relationships and works hard to achieve success. Well done!
Posted On 27 Mar 2023

100 Club

The February winning numbers in the 100 Club are – 38 10 7 Congratulations! Tickets for the March draw must be purchased by 22nd March.
Posted On 24 Feb 2023

100 Club

The winning numbers in the January draw for the PTA 100 Club are: 7 30 21 Congratulations!
Posted On 27 Jan 2023

Governor award

Congratulations to the pupil in Year 6 who received the Governor Award for this term from Mrs Pickles, the Chair of Governors. The Govenor Award is given to a pupil who has demonstrated our school values throughout the term, and they receive a book token for £10. This pupil has...
Posted On 15 Dec 2022

GSHP Open Day

Thank you to everyone who attended the open day during the summer holidays to see the installation of our new Ground Source Heat Pump. This gave the chance to see the drilling in operation and talk to the site team. It was lovely to see so many people come along and take interest...
Posted On 08 Sep 2022

Author Visit

We enjoyed a visit from the author E.R Reilly. He showed us some of his books, explained how he works through the writing process, and gave us some ideas for stories. He also set us some exciting writing challenges that we are looking forward to trying.
Posted On 20 Jan 2022

Olympian Visit

We had a wonderful surprise visit from two Olympic athletes who brought their gold and silver medals into school to show us. Georgia Taylor-Brown and Jessica Learmonth competed in the Triathlon in Tokyo 2020, having trained in a swimming pool local to our school. They were...
Posted On 24 Nov 2021

Green Flag Award

We are delighted to have been awarded the Green Flag by Eco-Schools. You can see this flying in our playground. Our Eco Warriors have been working towards this for the last 12 months. The carried out an environmental review of our school and set an action plan identifying...
Posted On 13 Sep 2021

Children of Light Festival

A number of children in our school entered artwork in the Diocese of York Children of Light Festival. This work was sent to Selby Abbey and then displayed in Sherburn church. We are delighted that several of them won prizes: KS1: Heath, Fleur & Hallie KS2: Connie, Annabelle...
Posted On 23 Jul 2021

Coronavirus Risk Assessment

Following the removal of Covid-19 restrictions in school, we have implemented the updated DFE guidance and assessed how we will manage the ongoing Coronavirus risk. A summary of our risk assessment can be found here: Website RA MF SP V4 Sept 2021
Posted On 22 Jul 2021