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Monk Fryston C of E Primary School Logo

Governor Award

Congratulations to one of our Year 6 pupils who has received the Governor Award for the Autumn term. This is awarded to the pupil who has best enacted the ethos and values of our school. The winner has not only applied herself fully to her learning since the start of the term,...
Posted On 18 Dec 2017

Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

What an amazing success the Year 6 Macmillan Coffee Afternoon was! Thanks to everyone’s extremely generous donations, we raised a whopping £1125 for this worthwhile charity. It was lovely to see all the children working so hard and with such enthusiasm for this great cause. Huge...
Posted On 02 Oct 2017

Y6 Great Yorkshire Show Visit

On Wednesday, the Year 6s enjoyed a fabulous day at the Great Yorkshire Show. They visited the Discovery Zone, where they took part in a whole range of activities; papermaking using recycled paper; holding chicks, snakes and rabbits, practising their table tennis skills;...
Posted On 14 Jul 2017

From across the miles!

In a time where electronic media receives a lot of bad press, it is heart-warming to hear how it can connect families across the miles. Here’s a photo of one of our Year 6 pupils showing a very personal gift he received from his grandad, who lives in Syria.  He asked Grandad, who...
Posted On 08 May 2017

Y6 Writers Group

Year 6 writers group with author David Webb. The year 6’s have spent the day, guided by David, writing their own fantastic short stories, showing lots of imagination and creativity.
Posted On 09 Mar 2017

Y6 Houses of Parliament Visit

Last half term, the Year 6 children enjoyed an exciting trip to London. After a VERY early start (!!), they enjoyed a sightseeing bus tour of many of the main sights. After lunch, there was a guided tour of the Houses of Parliament; taking in the House of Commons, the House of...
Posted On 08 Mar 2017

Fossil Workshop Yr 1 & Y6

FOSSIL WORKSHOP Last week, the children in Year1 and Year 6 were treated to a journey back to prehistoric times. Mike from the Yorkshire Geology Trust showed the children a wide range of fossils and explained how they provided information about what Yorkshire was like 200 million...
Posted On 09 Feb 2017

Dance Showcase 26.1.17

Yesterday 3 of our year 6’s went to a Dance Showcase at Sherburn High School.  The girls had picked their own music and choreographed their own routine.  they did a fabulous job and represented our school beautifully.  Well done girls!  
Posted On 27 Jan 2017

Y6 ‘s Christmas Food Advent Calendar

This Christmas, the Year 6 children at Monk Fryston Primary School have put a special twist on their class advent calendar. The children wanted to show that Christmas is a time for giving. So, instead of receiving presents each day, they have taken it in turns to give gifts....
Posted On 15 Dec 2016

Y6 Macmillan Coffee Afternoon

A HUGE thank you to everyone who supported the year 6 Macmillan Coffee Afternoon.  Whether you donated goodies, raffle prizes, money for non uniform or just enjoyed a bun and a drink, we really couldn’t have done it without you. We are pleased to announce that the total...
Posted On 03 Oct 2016