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Monk Fryston C of E Primary School Logo

Friday News 31.01.20

Dear Parents/Carers, Next week’s school target is to show respect to everyone. Please can we remind you that our doors open at 8.50am, so children are able to undertake learning activities before school starts at 9.00am. Please can you ensure your child arrives with sufficient...

Friday News 04.10.19

Dear Parents/Carers, Next week’s school target is spread the happiness. Please can we remind you that the children are welcome to bring healthy snacks to eat at playtimes. We are aware that they do get hungry, especially during the morning sessions, and often need to ‘re- fuel’,...

Golden Book & Golden Table 25.01.19

Golden Table 25.01.19Golden Book 25.01.19

Golden Table 18.01.19

Golden Table 18.01.19

Golden Book & Golden Table 13.07.18

Golden Book & Golden Table 13.07.18

Golden Table 22.06.18

Golden Table 22.6.18

Golden Table 04.05.18

Golden Table 4.5.18