Bag2school clothing collection 8.12.15
Dear Parents,
We will soon be sending home bags for the bag2school clothing collection which is happening on Tuesday 8th December. Clothing can be in any bag so if you fill the one we are sending home then please just use a black sack or something similar.
Bags can be brought into school either at 3.30pm Monday 7th Dec or 9am Tues 8th Dec. We cannot accept bags prior to this as we do not have anywhere to store them.
They accept;
Men’s, ladies and children’s clothing
Paired shoes (tied together or elastic band around them)
Handbags, ties, belts, hats and soft toys
They DO NOT accept;
Duvets, bedding & household linen
Pillows & cushions
Carpets, rugs, mats, curtains, towels, soiled or wet clothing
School uniform, corporate clothing or work wear
Shredded or mutilated textile material
Textile off cuts, yarns or threaded material.
Many thanks once again for your continued support!